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July 2024 Anchored in Christ Newsletter

Hey friends!

Happy July! Our crazy world has gotten even more crazy in the past couple of weeks. But Jesus is still on His throne and using craziness and evil for His purposes. Let’s remember the promise that closes Psalm 2: “Blessed are those who take refuge in Him.”

A Life-Changing Truth

At a recent visit to an exhibition on the Titanic (more on that below), I learned that many estimate the Titanic remains on the ocean floor will disappear within fifty years. The rust and bacteria will make it literally turn to ocean dust and disappear entirely. Learning that fact reminded me of Micah 7:19:

He will again have compassion on us; he will tread our iniquities underfoot. You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.

If you believe in Jesus, you may feel like a failure because of your sin, but because of God’s grace, He has cast your sins into the depths of the sea and will count them no more. You don’t need to wait 50 years for them to disappear—in Jesus they are gone now! That’s worthy of praise for the next 50 billion years!

Some Great Articles and Resources

Open the Bible now offers Live Chat through a ministry partner. If you have questions about the faith or want to ask for prayer, this is a fantastic resource!

The Beatitudes of Jesus Explained from Open the Bible and Pastor Colin Smith, plus a boat load of resources on the Beatitudes.

A Christian’s Practical Guide to Reproductive Technology by Emma Waters. A researcher for The Heritage Foundation writes on issues like IVF and surrogacy from a Christian worldview. It’s important for Christians to know how to think biblically in a world with many more technologies available to us.

How to Plan Short-Term Mission Trips that Benefit Long-Term Work by Mack Stiles. Wisdom to consider! Here’s a key principle:

Short-term trips need to be “field-driven,” not “sending-church-driven.” In other words, these trips take their cues and direction from the missionaries on the ground, who drive the short-termers’ time in ministry for ways that serve local missionaries, not the agenda of the sending church.

On Repetitive Worship Songs by John Piper. If you’ve ever complained about the repetition of worship songs, this will provide a biblical nuance.

What I’m Reading/Watching/Listening To

I’ve been listening to Shane & Shane’s Vintage album that is covers of classic worship songs. I especially like the Rich Mullins classics “Awesome God” and “Sometimes by Step.” I love music that stokes my heart to seek God more.

I’m listening to the audiobook of When the Sea Came Alive: An Oral History of D-Day by Garrett M. McGrath. He wrote a similar book on 9/11 that was powerful. McGrath tells the story of D-Day in the words of people who experienced it. I’m amazed at the size of the undertaking as well as how much people had no idea what they were doing. I’m grateful so many people gave their lives for the cause of freedom and peace.

Book: Redeeming Sex in Marriage: How the Gospel Rescues Sex, Transforms Marriage, and Reveals the Glory of God by Scott Muhl. I’m really, really enjoying this book. I’m not done yet, but so far I agree with Tim Challies’ conclusion (from his review): “Redeeming Sex in Marriage is book that really does answer many big and important questions and it does so well. I am thankful I read it and thankful that I can now recommend it as a resource for others to read, enjoy, and learn from.” Listen to a 16-minute conversation about the book.

Getting Personal

My wife and I enjoyed a tour of “The Titanic Experience” at a mall in our area. As we entered, we got individualized boarding passes that each had the name of a real Titanic passenger. Toward the end of the exhibit, you could check on a wall listing the survivors to see if your passenger made it. My passenger survived. My wife’s did not. I looked at the name of the passenger and thought, Hey, I know who that man was!

My wife had the Reverend John Harper, who was traveling to speak at Moody Church in Chicago. After the Titanic hit the iceberg, Harper did not find himself on a rescue boat, but rather in the icy water. He spent his remaining minutes swimming to others adrift in the sea, urging them to trust in Jesus Christ. And some did. How do we know? “Sometime later a man stood up in a church in Canada and told his story, ‘I am John Harper’s last convert.'”

My wife and I left the exhibit with a burden for souls. We may not be on a literal sinking ship, but our world is a sinking ship in need of divine rescue. God has called us to swim to others with the message of the gospel. May God give you and I courage and compassion to preach Christ like John Harper!


I serve with Unlocking the Bible. I blog for the glory of God, to nourish the church, and to clarify my mind. A lover of Christ first, people second, and random things like coffee, books, baseball, and road trips. I wrote When Prayer Is Struggle. Soli Deo Gloria

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